These three words sum up my approach.
By immersing myself in your business I quickly get a feel for the priorities and opportunities to start developing an actionable marketing plan. 'Do' is the most important part. I will work alongside to action the plan. But don't take my word - see Testimonials below.
Having worked as an employee for most of my career and then recently contracting, the thing that struck me was the ability to be so much more productive without the distractions of meetings, 1:1s, team-building events, town halls, etc. I could achieve more in two days as a contractor than as a full-time employee.
The Marketing Guy concept centres on my success working part-time within a client’s business, commonly called fractional marketing.
I began my career with a focus and passion for digital marketing but have matured to appreciate the role of traditional marketing and brand building. As such, I can take an open approach to your needs. I might recommend a highly targeted digital campaign, but I might also recommend billboards, radio or direct mail!
My claim to fame is being the first person to propose using a billboard in New Zealand!